Monday 9 July 2012

Sugar Daddy In Search Of Support

Hey ladies, I know it's been a while and I do not post regularly, obviously because of the fact that I do not actually live in the SugarWorld (wish I did). This is because of the fact that I am trying to improve and upgrade myself in all ways I possibly can. Physically (loosing weight), mentally and emotionally, despite all this, I do not actually have any "baggage" or whatever you want to call it...

So I was just browsing on just having a look to see what the world has to offer and how to spot my ideal SD and how improving my skills of weeding out flakes, people who aren't serious and people who just genuinely have no clue as to what an SD is and I came across this...

I mean, REALLY THOUGH? He had the nerve, to come on to a SD site, looking for a SugarMummy? What is WRONG WITH THIS MAN? I was soo shocked but I found it rather funny. He is probably just lying. It's crazy ladies, it really is but I wanted to know your thoughts on this. Do you think it is ok for a person you would assume to be an SD to basically be like an SB in search of support? How do YOU feel about this? XO

Thursday 7 June 2012

School, Sugar and Relationship

Hey ladies, I hope all is well. So I wasn't going to write about this but all of you sugars share your stores so it is only fair for me to do the same. Over the past few months a lot has been going on. School, I got some sugar (short term but rather sweet) and also a relationship.

So firstly, as you probably know I wasn't successful at my university application which was a DAMNNN good blessing from God! I am taking A-Levels now, finished my AS exams a few days ago and just waiting on the results (I will be waiting for a while as they get published in August), I hope I did well, seriously! I believe this was the better option than trying to take the short route and jumping into nursing. Besides, I hate blood and anything in relation to it. I am happy with the college that I am at and I am grateful they (my college) accepted me. I view my A-Levels as a way which can help me to achieve my goals and dreams, university, career e.t.c.

Then the sugar, I met a guy 47 year old on this was like my first REAL REAL SD experience. He was so sweet, handsome looking not too tall (or should I say as tall as I'd like) with a bit of a belly. I do prefer muscular men and all but I put this preference on the sideline for a short while (what is one to do when the sugar is sweet?). I won't go into detail in-case he SOMEHOW comes across this blog lol, I know I sound paranoid but cut me some slack. I wouldn't want to burn bridges babe's... All of the sugar was given in  ££££'s, I love presents and gifts but I live with parents, my mother is incredibly nosy, I'd never tell her I have a boyfriend later on an SD!!! She would freak out. So we agreed on money (which I put into my savings account and have completely forgotten about) and small gifts, chocolate, candles simple but thoughtful things (that wouldn't raise suspicion).

I really enjoyed my experience with him but I think I will just defer my sugar life until I move out for university atleast I won't have anyone looking over my should, asking questions e.t.c. it's just too risky. I was surprised initially with the first gift of £ that I received from him over dinner. I do not work, my parents do not give me much of an allowance so I was just shocked and that's why I decided to put it in the savings account as I didn't want to just blow it and then ask myself what on earth did I do with the money. It's good because atleast I will have enough to buy things for university, the deposit for accommodation and so fourth.

And in relation to the relationship. I met this "guy" he was aged between 26 and 29. Tall, dark and handsome, he ticked all the boxes including personality. I am not really a relationship person but I fell in very deep, gave him my all, at first it was rosy and then things just went down the drain. He is a nice person, he was sweet and he cared but I realised that he wasn't for me because he changed, turned into something else. It just made me realise that I should never, EVER! Give all of my love and fall in too deep, especially with someone who doesn't give sugar and sweet things. I am now focused on my education and I am not looking for a relationship AT ALL! I can not be wasting time with these "average" young guys who can not improve/change my life in anyway shape or form. Being with him just added stress into my life and I wasn't looking for that so it had to be cut short.

Thanks for reading ladies. XO

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Update of a bitter taste

Hello ladies, how are you all? So I know it has been monthhhhhs since I have written a blog. I have been super busy with college, focused on getting good grades so that I can go to university. That is my main aim right now.
I have been trying to do my best to dip into the sugar world but really, I don't think the time is right because it just isn't happening. I have not done any freestyling, I have no time and to be honest, I don't think I have mastered the art of luring a asugar daddy just with a few glances. I mean, it's not as if he would have SUGAR DADDY HERE stamped across his forehead so I think it would be extremely hard (if any of you have succeessfuly found an SD through freestyling then please share tips) and rather time consuming aswell. Anyway, the only site that I am on at the moment is S.A, I have received a few winks here and there, send a message and receive no response so I wander what that is all about (also, if you have any profile tips please do share).
So in other words, sugar isn't actually sweet for me atm.
I recently passed my driving theory test which I was incredibly happy about as that is the first step of driving but I need approximately £6-800 to be able to take the actual practical test. And that really won't be easy considering the fact that I don't work and haven't worked a day in my life (not much in savings). But I hope things are going well for all of you beautiful ladies.
I have been reading a few blogs and I just really enjoy reading something positive, proud to say it actually gives me hope, for example when an SB meets a new SD, I feel like giving a high 5 through the screen and screaming "you go girl-get that money in the bank" < lol.
Thank you for reading ladies, love and respect yourselves because if you don't he won't. xo

Thursday 6 October 2011

Just a quick one ladies..

Ok, so as you may know I decided not to go to the university (I finally got an offer). I decided that the health profession, REALLY isn't what I want to do so I have decided to take my A-Levels AGAIN!! Shocking I know but I am pretty sure it will FLY right by.

So I have basically been spending all of my time studying, I have practically disconnected from the internet, friends and everything else. I am just focused on doing as BEST as I can because I didn't pass as much as I could have when I did my AS-Levels and the only way of doing that would be minimising well getting rid of all of my distractions which I have done, but I was just SOOO tempted to write something up on here, even though I am pretty sure no-one will read this (*giggles). Anyway ladies, I hope you are ALLLLLL having fun and munching the candy. Live with no regrets and I know this sounds silly considering the fact that I basically haven't really ever had sugar but REMEMBER TO SAVE as much as you can, trust me it will come in handy one day e.g if your SD just suddenly "dissapears" or something?

So yes ladies, enjoy, be safe and live life to the max.

(If any of you have tips on how to revise and get top grades then feel free to leave a comment :) xo

Thursday 28 July 2011

Less of a stranger/ a little about myself.

Hello ladies, so by now I am sure some of you have seen my comments on some of your blogs and are thinking who is this girl? I do not really blog myself as I am just starting out and don't have much to say but I thought it was slightly unfair that I always read your blogs (quite informative and funny as-well) but I have never written anything about myself, who I am what I do e.t.c. I don't really know what "category" I'd put myself in as to what you would can call me but the closest thing I can think of is an "amateur-sb" which sounds harsh but what else can I say? I am under the age of 0f 20, I live in the second largest city in the United Kingdom but maybe moving in September for university. I have been on just a few sugar dates nothing much came out of it, I was naive at the least and didn't have much insight into the "Sugar World" which is no more as I have been reading your blogs and experiences (I am incredibly grateful for that). The thing is that I live with my parents so it is quite hard to actually be an SB without raising suspicions as my mother is practically my best-friends, she always wants to know who I am with, where I am with and what I am doing so this is the reason why I haven't really had much success in the Sugar World. I have 2 sugar accounts, and I haven't had much success on either of the two and I do not know the reasons for this maybe I am asking for too much, the men just aren't interested - god knows. I did exchange messages with one pot who was living in Spain but was willing to fly me out twice a month for £2000. I was quite fond of him until he told me what he would like from me.
- To be able to call me racist names e.g "THE N WORD" - Is he out of his DAMN MIND?
- Sex from the get go - SORRY SWEETNESS BUT I WILL NOT JUMP INTO BED WITH YOU JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE GIVEN ME CASH, I'd prefer it to come naturally like if we actually have good chemistry and all.
- He told me he is into sex where he would inflict pain on me, tie me up and all sorts of other things, it seemed quite sadistic to me, I have only had sex with a few guys and this was more than 2 years ago so I am practically a virgin, I would like to "go slow".
But anyway, after reflecting on what he wanted from me I then decided that it wasn't the type of arrangement I was looking for as I really wouldn't enjoy being verbally abused.

I also haven't had much success on because of the fact that you have to pay like £20+ or something like that P/M which I mean, it should be free for us you know, I have however received quite a lot of messages from men who seem "decent" but I feel as if that site is for men who are actually looking for love - which isn't what I am looking for, but I guess I can string them along? What do you think about this sugars, have you successfully stringed a man and actually received gifts/£/$ from him without putting out?

Anyway, I will hopefully be moving to Cumbria in September if I get an unconditional offer from the uni that has given me an interview, on my SD account I have changed my location to Cumbria and I have actually received quite a few emails from men who live in Cumbria (looks promising). It would be great if I get the offer from uni because I could then study and have an arrangement which would make it easier for me to concentrate on my studies as I wouldn't have to find a demanding job but have an arrangement where by I am his ONLY when I am WITH him. I'd ideally be looking for something around £3k P/M meeting 2/3 times P/M.

I have noticed that there aren't many UK SB bloggers so if you are one, feel free to just say hi so we can communicate and share tips and advice on things such as sites as it is quite differet here from the US, for example sites like SUGAR-SUGAR don't really have many genuine SD in the UK.

Thank you for reading my blog. xo